2019IFAL IOC会议报道2019IFAL IOC会议报道 由复旦大学电光源研究所、中国照明学会交通运输照明和光信号专业委员会和上海机动车检测认证技术研究中心有限公司联合主办的“第七届中国国际汽车照明论坛(The 7th International Forum on Automotive Lighting,7th IFAL)”于6月25日-26日在上海国际会议中心举办。为保证IFAL论坛的持续稳定发展,每一届IFAL正式开幕之前,由国内外专家组成的IFAL国际组委会(IOC)会召开组委会会议,总结过去一年IFAL的运行情况,并讨论和制定下一届IFAL的战略方向,同时对IFAL组委会架构、热点话题、会议论文等内容进行了讨论。 2019 IOC会议 2019年6月24日第七届中国国际汽车照明论坛IOC会议(InternationalOrganizational Committee)于上海国际会议中心3E会议室召开。会议由IFAL首席执行人林燕丹教授主持,国际汽车照明和信号专家组(GTB)主席Geoff Drapper,上海机动车检测认证技术研究中心有限公司副总经理朱晓明,华域视觉郭肇基,OLEDCOMM的RalfSchaefer, Varrac的Rainer Neumann博士,亮锐单军,波兰机动车研究所Tomasz Targosinski博士,欧司朗吴君斐,海拉南京研发中心中国区车灯研发总监吴继武等三十余位国内外行业专家和精英出席了本次会议。 会议开幕 往届IFAL论坛回顾 在IOC会议上,林燕丹教授代表IOC组委会总结了往届IFAL论坛有关内容,在各单位和组委会的支持下,IFAL论坛逐渐完善,不断前进。 介绍了2019年IFAL论坛筹备情况,总结了IFAL管理委员会、顾问委员会、科技委员会以及执行委员会的工作进展及IFAL2019其它各项工作的进度。 从2013年到2019年IFAL的宣传方式不断更新,紧跟时代潮流。目前已建立IFAL的微信公众号与网站两种宣传平台,对IFAL进行全方位的信息传播,及时发布IFAL论坛的最新信息,定时发布技术类文章并提供最新行业动态,不断扩大IFAL论坛的影响范围,保证IFAL论坛的可持续发展。 2019IFAL IOC会议现场照片 从第五届IFAL开始,与国内核心期刊《照明工程学报》进行了战略合作,从IFAL论坛的论文集中选择优秀论文,在征求作者同意后将发表在《照明工程学报》上,让更多的学者及技术人员能够展示和了解汽车照明的前沿技术,促进汽车照明行业的技术交流。 照明工程学报 本届IFAL论坛组委会(IOC)成员林燕丹、Tomasz Targosinski、Marcin A. Gorzkowski、矫建中、Daniel Stern,组成的论文评审专家组,将综合文章的学术性、专业契合度等指标,对所有投稿论文进行评审,将评选出5篇最佳论文奖。 优秀论文证书 2019年IFAL联合中国汽车工业协会车用灯具委员会,举办了汽车照明训练营,特邀行业内的技术大咖与相关领域的专家,从多维度为汽车照明相关人员进行系统化培训,全面提升中国汽车照明行业的技术水平与学术能力,为汽车照明行业的发展提供动力。 汽车照明训练营授课现场 国际组委会对下届论坛的相关事宜进行了热烈讨论,确定了2020年第八届IFAL论坛的热点研究话题、会议主题、举办时间、摘要提交时间、论文提交时间、会议注册时间、优秀论文和最佳演讲奖的评选方式等事项。 本次IOC会议全体国际专家,再次确认了IFAL的愿景和使命,同时深入讨论了IFAL的发展战略,优化调整了各委员会的组成。IFAL组委会将坚持初衷,为将IFAL打造成亚洲第一的汽车照明视觉前沿学术与技术国际化交流平台而努力奋斗,促进汽车照明与视觉领域的学术和技术不断发展。 IFAL的愿景和使命 最后,国际组委会对2020年第八届IFAL论坛进行了讨论,确定了下一届IFAL的筹备和平台服务工作的相关安排。 2020 IFAL的关键信息 会议期间,参会人员合影。 IOC组委会成员合影 2019IFAL IOC Meeting Report The 7th International Forum on Automotive Lighting (IFAL), jointly hosted by Institute for Electric Light Sources of Fudan University, CIES and Shanghai Motor Vehicle Inspection Certification and Tech Innovation Center, will be held at Shanghai International Convention Center on June 25th-26th, 2019. Before the opening of each IFAL forum, International Organization Committee (IOC) of IFAL convenes for a special meeting to give a summary for the operation of former year’s IFAL and decides on the current year’s proceedings. 2019 IOC meeting On June 24th , the 7th IFAL IOC meeting was held at Shanghai International Convention Center 3E conference room. Prof. Yandan Lin hosted the meeting, and over 30 IOC members from across the world attended this meeting, including Mr. Xiaoming Zhu, general manager of Shanghai Motor Vehicle Inspection Certification and Tech Innovation Center, Mr. Zhaoji Guo from HASCO Vision, Mr. Ralf Schaefer from OLEDCOMM, Dr. RainerNeumann from Varrac, Mr. James Shan from Lumileds, Dr. TomaszTargosinski from Motor Transport Institute- Poland, Mr. Adam Wu from OSRAM, Mr. Jiwu Wu, R&D director of HELLA Nanjing Technical Center. Opening of IOC Meeting Review of past IFAL forum On IOC meeting, Prof. Yandan Lin summarized previous IFAL forums. IFAL has been better and better in recent years and will keep moving on. She introduced the operations and working processes of organization committee, consultant committee, technique committee and executive committee of IFAL 2019. IFAL has been updating its publicity approaches since 2013. Now, IFAL uses its website and WeChat admin platform to publish latest information of IFAL, release technique article at regular time and follow the new industrial development as well, which greatly expands scope of IFAL and its international influence. Photo of 2019 IOC Meeting Since the 5th forum, IFAL has cooperated with China Illumination Engineering Journal, the domestic core journal. The cooperation aimed to publish the best papers of the forum, and let more scholars and technicians know more about the advanced technology of vehicle lighting. Journal of Lighting Engineering This year, experts of paper review group, IOC member Tomasz Targosinski, Marcin Gorzkowski, JianzhongJiao, selected 5 best paper awards from all contributions, based on their technicality and professional level. Best paper award In 2019, IFAL teamed up with the Automotive Lighting Committee of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers to hold a lighting training camp. Experts from the technical field and related fields in the industry were invited to systematically train automotive lighting personnel. The training camp contributed to upgrade the technical level and academic ability of the automotive lighting industry and provide power for the development of China. Automotive lighting training camp teaching site Meanwhile, IOC thoroughly discussed the next IFAL and decided on the time, themes, submission deadlines of abstracts and full papers, registration times (advancedand final) and the selection process for best papers and best presentations for the 8th IFAL in 2020. All international experts in the IOC meeting reconfirmed IFAL's vision and mission, thoroughly discussed IFAL's development strategy and optimized the composition of each committee. IFAL's vision is to create Asia's top international communication platform for advanced academic research and technology development in vehicle lighting. IFAL's mission is to inspire, promote and support the continuous research and technology development regarding this subject. IFAL’s Vision and Mission Finally, IOC discussed about the 8th IFAL in 2020,and arranged the work of next IFAL's preparation and platform services. Important Information of 2020 IFAL Participants took a group photo during the meeting. Group Photo of IOC Meeting Members |