Next LED Head LightsStephan Berlitz
Next LED Head Lights
Keywords: styling, efficiency, electronic control, lighting assistance, business case, standardization, ressources Abstract LED DRL and LED head lights are state of the art in modern automotive lighting. For DRL new trends with functional and aesthetic aspects are recognizable on the market. Light guides can offer different possibilities. Homogenous appearance and the combination of DRL and direction indicator integration are interesting styling aspects. For the head lights the field of diversity for styling creations and driving assistance systems is growing extremely. Marking light and Matrix Beam are only the first steps. Three dimensional sculptures combine new functionalities with impressing design elements. Therefore new technological concepts are necessary. In the future also low energy and low cost LED head lights will strongly influence the lighting market. The technology will be an evolution of existing LED modules, but what about styling differentiation? Also the existing business models will have to be reorganized. Should LED systems be standard or optional? How could an offering structure for the end customer look like? What positioning will have Xenon systems in these scenarios? The paper will explain these different aspects from an OEM view for a further discussion about next LED head lights. |