25W HID best choice for energy efficient and cost-effective headlights with superior performanceAuthors Dr. Lars Menzel 1), Dr. Thomas Murphy 1), Stefan Herold 2) 1)Development automotive HID, OSRAM, Nonnendammallee 44, 13629 Berlin, Germany 2)Marketing automotive HID, OSRAM, Hellabrunner Straße 1, 81543 München, Germany Introduction The key elements of the 25W HID technology were already in place at the last 2009 ISAL symposium. In the meantime we experience the first 25W systems on the road! They serve their pioneering purpose very well but still suffer from non-standardization i.e. difficult exchangeability and headlamp approval process as light guide systems or integral beam headlamps. None-the-less, they break new ground in a trend that now gains even more impetus by the latest GRE decision approving not only the 25W category proposals D5, D6 and D8 but also establishing the so called “2000lm rule” as fully valid for HID in the years to come. |