Design of a fuzzy based AFS (Advanced Front Lightning System) to improve night-time driving for trucDr. Luciano Lukacs Ford Motor Company Nanjing, China Dr. Mahendra Dassanayake Ford Motor Company Detroit, USA Dr. Cristiano Fontes Departamento de Engenharia Química Universidade Federal da Bahia Bahia, Brazil
Dr. Iuri Pepe Instituto de Fisica Universidade Federal da Bahia Bahia, Brazil Dr. Marcelo Embirucu Departamento de Engenharia Química Universidade Federal da Bahia Bahia, Brazil Dr. Robson Magalhaes Departamento de Engenharia Química Universidade Federal da Bahia Bahia, Brazil
Abstract— Nighttime driving behavior differs from that during the day because of unique scenarios presented in a driver's field of vision. At night drivers have to rely on their vehicle headlamps to illuminate the road to be able to see the environment and road conditions in front of him. In recent decades car illumination systems have undergone considerable technological advances such as the use of a Light Emitting Diode (LED) in Adaptive Front- lighting Systems (AFS), a breakthrough in lighting technology. This is rapidly becoming one of the most important innovative technologies around the world within the lighting community. This paper discusses driver’s (car and truck) needs given the environment and road conditions in the state of São Paulo (Brazil) using a survey applied to compare the needs of both truck and car drivers under different road conditions. The results show the potential and suitability of the methodology proposed for controlling truck-related lighting in any emergent market. Keywords-component,fuzzy, LEDs, control, night-time behavior |