Performance Based Regulations in the Context with Visual PerformanceKarl Manz (Author) Test House for Lighting Equipment on Vehicles Institute of Lighting Technology Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Karlsruhe, Germany Abstract—It is the wish of the European Commission together with Japan to redraft the ECE – Regulations in a performance based concept/1/. For the Regulations on lighting and light signaling means that “New approach for lighting Regulations” in the first line a reduction of the number of 41 lighting Regulations to an set of around six to eleven documents handling the requirements for lighting and light signaling devices and their installation. The key word is “performance based”, which try to say : “No construction rules!”. The Author try to identify the basic rules of a performance based description of lighting and light signalling regarding the needs of visual performance. The fundamental findings will be discussed in conjunction with the existing Regulations to review the differences, challenges and needs for the “New approach for lighting Regulations”. . (Abstract) Visual performance, lighting, light signalling, performance based concept, ECE - Regulations (key words) |