Discomfort glare under automotive conditions - spectral behavior and mechanismsPD Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Bodrogi, Dipl.-Ing.Nicolai Wolf, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Tran QuocKhanh Laboratory of Lighting Technology, Technische UniversitätDarmstadt
An experiment was conducted about the effect ofspectral power distribution of light sourceson discomfort glare on a 0.1 cd/m2 mesopic adaptation background and aquasi-monochromaticopticalchannel providing the glare sources. Thespectral behavior of discomfort glare sensitivity wasinvestigated.Theobservation geometry with a 0.3° glare source at 4.3° off the visual axiscorresponds to the application of automotiveheadlamps. Spectral discomfort glare sensitivity was obtained from 6subjects.Sensitivity curves were interpreted by a combination of retinalmechanisms, V(l), V’(l),S(l) anda chromatic mechanism, |L(l)-M(l)|.The contribution of S(l),V’(l) and |L(l)-M(l)|could notbe neglected. Theinter-observer and intra-observer variability of spectral sensitivity issignificant. |