9th International Symposium on Automotive LightingProf. Dr. M. J. Flannagan, University of Michigan, USA H. Fratty, Fratty Consulting, France M. Gorzkowski, Transport Canada Dr.-Ing. M. Hamm, Automotive Lighting GmbH, Germany Dr.-Ing. W. Huhn, Audi AG, Germany Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. T. Q. Khanh, TU Darmstadt, Germany R. Krautscheid, Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt), Germany Dr. R. Neumann, Visteon Innovation & Technology GmbH, Germany Dr.-Ing. T. Reiners, Osram GmbH, Germany M. Sasaki, Koito Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Japan Foreword It is a pleasure to present you the proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Automotive Lighting, which takes place in Darmstadt on September 26-28, 2011. After the global crisis in the years 2008-2010, this conference shows the latest innovative potentials of the automotive industry in the application of lighting technologies. These proceedings result from the work of a lot of experts in the automotive and optical industry, administrative bodies, research institutes and universities. It summarizes the findings of more than 200 authors and co-authors and gives a scope of their expectations for the future. In 2011, the ISAL Steering Board could identify the following focus topics: •Driver assistance and the interaction between light sources, cameras, digital image processing and headlamp systems •The new 25 W HID Xenon lamp and the Xenon ceramic high pressure lamps •LED technology and its application for headlamp development •Energy efficiency, CO2 reduction and methods for their realization •Traffic accident analysis, traffic and automobile regulations •Optical measurement, human eye physiology and mesopic research. |