OLED in Automotive LightingNew Design Opportunities to ShapeLight ThomasJobst ApplicationCenter PhilipsAutomotive Lighting Aachen,Germany Thomas.jobst@philips.com MengHan ApplicationDevelopment Center APR PhilipsAutomotive Lighting Shanghai,PRC Meng.han@philips.com Abstract—OLEDtechnology is the next revolutionary step after LEDs, extending the digitallighting from point sources to real homogeneous, large lit areas. WhereasOLEDs for general lighting purposes are already commercially available, theprogress in making OLED meet the requirements for automotive applications soonallows the start of vehicle development programs. OLEDtechnology offers unprecedented opportunities for automotive signalingapplications. Thanks to their thin and flexible design, homogenous appearance,and appealing look in the off-state, OLEDs allow car stylists to realize signallamps with completely new, unique styling. Low-power operation, low weight andlong lifetime enable energy-saving and consumer-friendly solutions, while thefast switching time allows for the realization of dynamic effects. OLEDs will soonbe available as 2D and flexible versions enabling rear lamps with 3D styling, rigid3D OLEDs will require additional development time. In thisarticle we will discuss the state of the art in OLED development and technologyroadmap for automotive signaling applications. We will discuss lifetimerequirements and developments towards flexible, 3D and transparent OLEDtechnology. We will show current and future styling opportunities and discussresearch trends.
Automotivelighting, signaling, OLED, styling, homogeneity, thin, low weight, customized,mirror, dynamic, transparent, flexible, 3D