International Forum on Automotive Lighting(IFAL)

2025 IFAL Invitation

Solutions for Safety Improvement of Automotive Lighting in China

Dr. phil. nat. Rainer Neumann

Varroc Lighting Systems

VP Global Technology

Kerpen Germany

Abstract—TrafficinChinahasdrasticallyincreasedinthelast ten years. Due to the adoptedinfrastructure the fatalitiesin trafficcould be reduced in this period from app. 100 000peopleper year toapp. 60 000 in 2012[1].

Neverthelessstillahighnumber.NighttimeDrivingandtheproperlightingequipmentcancontributetoimprovevisibilityand detection range for road users and thus reducingtraffic accidents and fatalities. Thepaper describes safety benefitsby meansofadvancedlightingtechnologyforheadlampsandrear lamps. Not only thehigh end premium solutions (e.g. LED Matrix Beam) could help to improvesafety but also moresimpleinnovations, which also can be introducedin smaller vehiclescan resultinabettervisibilitycondition.Someexampleslikestaticbending/cornering,daytimerunninglights(DRL),andGlareFree High Beam will be presented. For the furthergrowing Chinesemarketagoodopportunitytocombinesafetyatnighttime driving with the generally requestedattractive designof lamps.

Keywords-component;Automotive Lighting Safety ;LED Technology;LightPerformance