International Forum on Automotive Lighting(IFAL)

2025 IFAL Invitation

ADB - Concepts for integration of ADB in compact and subcompact car segments




Beijing/China, Lippstadt/Germany,

Abstract: Thediscussion about camera based adaptivelightfunctionalitiesstarted noticeable in the year 2006 and ledtothepossibilities of ADB (Adaptive Driving Beam). Alreadyin2009 the first cars equipped with ADB functionalitieshaveseenintroduced in the automotive world. The firstfullfunctionalityproductinthistopicreachedthemarketin2010.

Currentlywe see a rising number in car-models equippedwiththistechnology.

Besidethe LED as light source also the enhancements ofcameratechnology will increase the interest inADBtechnologyin the nearfuture.

Suchtechnologies have seen usually in the premiumcarsegment. Nowadays we see also midsize cars in themarketequippedwith suchtechnologies.

Due to the fact that suchfunctionality is not only forcomfortbut also a significant aspect for driving safety the nextstepofADBintegration is the introduction in compactandsubcompactcars.

Toreachthistargetitisnecessarytoachieveasignificantreductionin ADB systemcosts.

When we look to theinevitable sensor component, thecamera,we seesignificant reductions in the price, combined withthefactthatthelightfunctionisonlyonetaskforthecamerabesideotherdriverassistantfunctionalities.

Inaddition to the camera we also have to provide costreducedoptical systems for this carsegment.

InthispaperweshowareflectorbasedopticalLEDconceptfor anADB headlamp system. We will comparetheperformanceofthissystemtothecurrenthighperformanceheadlampsalready in themarket.

We willdiscuss other concepts for simple ADBsystemslookingnot only on the system performance and the pricebutalso on styling aspects for suchsystems.

Keywords: ADB, LED Headlamp, Light basedassistancesystems