2025 IFAL Invitation | 1.65MB | Download |
Development of Low Watt Xenon Light Unit GroupSu ying Brilliance Automotive Group Engineering Research Institute, Shenyang China Ying.su@brilliance-auto.com Bai yong Brilliance Automotive Group Engineering Research Institute,Shenyang China Bai.yong@brilliance-auto.com Abstract-Aimingat the problemof poorlighting condition and highenergy consumption of troditional Halogen Headlamps, proposeda designschemebyusing the low powerof25W xenon elementgroupas thelightingsystemoflowbeamlights.In thecase ofxenon light group of Brilliance V5 models,by choosing theparameters oflight source, shieldand lens, designingthe ellipsoids reflectorcup and using the ASAP tomake alighting simulationto realize the developmentand design of thexenon elementgroup. Finally, makeacheckanalysisofPAS element actual lighting simulationand contrastof samplepiecenight vision.Come toa conculution thatthevehicleequipped with the disignedlowpowerof25W xenon element group hasthe better lightingeffect, whichcontributestoimprovethesecurity of driving. Keywords- lighting system,low power of 25W xenonelement group,lightingsimulation, nightvision |