International Forum on Automotive Lighting(IFAL)

2025 IFAL Invitation

Taillight Evaluation Based on Visual Security Requirement

Ayang Feng, Author 2, Yandan Lin*

Institute for Electric Light Sources, Engineering Research Center of Advanced Lighting Technology, Ministry of Education, Fudan University, Shanghai, P.R.China

*Contact email address:

Abstract—The automobile taillight can be used for the drivers and pedestrians in the rear of the vehicle to identify signal, which may also cause visual discomfort. In this paper, changing the taillight parameters, participants evaluate the visibility and discomfort under different environmental illumination and weather conditions. According to the evaluation results, the taillight parameters standard satisfied visual security is found, to assess the existing taillight parameters standard whether meet the visual security requirement. Besides, a evaluation model is established for taillight, providing a fast and effective method for taillight assessment.

Keywords-visual security;parameters;visibility;discomfort;evaluation model