Lei Fan1, Stephane Thery1, Benoit Reiss 2,
1Valeo Lighting Systems China Technical Center
41 Chuangye road, WEDZ, 430056 Wuhan, China
Email: lei.fan@valeo.com, stephane.thery@valeo.com
2Valeo Lighting Systems
34 rue Saint André, 93012 Bobigny Cedex, France
Email: benoit.reiss@valeo.com
Glare Free High Beam solutions have now been used on different types of vehicles, with many
different characteristics, in terms of performances, styling, product integration and system
complexity. Anyway, the technology is still showing a lot of evolutions and new possibilities. There
are two main reasons for theses evolutions:
- At first the Market itself with different vehicle types to be addressed: high range vehicles
requiring performances and functionalities , compact ones requiring small modules, “sport”
cars with usually low profile which require specific designs and reduced height, SUV, … There
are also differences upon geographical localization, between Europe where Glare Free has
been used for 5 years, China which is still in emerging mode for Glare Free and USA where
Glare Free is still under approval on regulation point of view.
- Then the functionalities and performances: after “Analogic” Glare Free (with Mechanical
movements), Matrix solutions are also showing different evolutions with different number
of segments, variable resolutions, types of functions (ADB, Bending Light including Matrix in
Low Beam with Pixel Light), … With the on-coming new technologies allowing High Definition
Lighting, including DMD systems and Laser scanners, there are even more new functionalities
such as Full AFS, Information Display, Driver Assistance with Lighting, which will make lighting
systems more and more intelligent.
From Matrix systems with different styles and performances upon vehicles segments and markets, to
“Full HD” solutions, these different types of applications and their benefits and drawbacks for the
end user will be presented in this paper.