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Overview and the United Nations Regulations on Lighting and Light SignallingMarcin A.Gorzkowski M.Eng., P.Eng.(Author) UnitedNations WorkingPartyonLightingandLightSignalling marcin.a.gorzkowski@gmail.com Abstract—The World Forum for Harmonizationof VehicleRegulations (WP.29) - formerly WorkingParty No. 29, works within the framework of theUnitedNations Economic Commission for Europe(UNECE)Inland Transport Committee (ITC). WP.29presently oversees six Working Parties developingregulations regardingdesign, construction and maintenanceof motorvehicles,theirtrailersandcomponents. The work of WP.29 is governed by threeinternational agreements. For all three agreements, developmentof regulatoryprovisions related to vehicles’ lightingand light signalling rests in the hands of theWorkingParty on Lighting and Light-Signalling (GRE). Anymember country of theUnited Nations and any accreditednon- governmental organization (NGO) may attendmeetings ofGRE. Underthe1958Agreementtherearepresently41UN Regulationsaddressinglightingandlightsignalling.AnyGREexpert attending the session may submitproposals for new UN Regulations or for amendments totheexisting ones. The process and challengesregarding developmentofUNRegulationswillbeexplained. Underthe 1998 (Global) Agreement there are presently no Global Technical Regulations (UN GTR) onthe subject of lightingand light signalling. In contrastto procedure governing 1958 Agreement, underthe1998 (Global) Agreement only Contracting Parties tothe Agreementmay submit proposals for new UN GTRor foramendmentstotheexistingones.Theprocessand challenges regardingdevelopment of UN GTR will be explained. Aquick comparison of 1958 and 1998(Global) Agreements will be presented together withgeneral comparisonof implementation of theregulationsthroughSelfCertificationandTypeApprovalsystems. Inthe conclusion, the vision of the direction forthe futureworkofGREwillbepresented.(Abstract) |