International Forum on Automotive Lighting(IFAL)

2025 IFAL Invitation

CIE in a nutshell Overview of organisation and  activities Particular in the field of lighting and l

Director of Division4 CIE


CIE is a 100 year old technical,scientific and  culturalnonprofitorganisation. For those who are unfamiliar with CIE,a brief introduction is given of its origin and majorachievements. Its current organisation andmembership categoriesare outlined,as well as developments in its cooperation with partner organisations.Furthermore, an  overview  is givenof the work programs ofCIE and its Division 4 “LightingandSignalling for Transport” in relation to automotiveapplications.Also,certaintopicssuchastheconsequencesof the introduction of LED’s, the growing population of the elderlyand “Lighting Quality and Energy Efficiency”are highlighted in the context of current challenges, specificallythe speed of technological developmentsagainst the requiredtime forapplicationresearch.Finally,theroleofCIEisdiscussedand how tocontribute.

CIE, international commission, illumination,lightingand light signalling,transport,automotive