International Forum on Automotive Lighting(IFAL)

2025 IFAL Invitation

Development Trend of Lamp Standards for Automotive Vehicles in China


关键词:国家标准  汽车灯具  发展趋势

Keywords:GB;automotive lighting;development trend

Thedevelop trend for ChinaAutomotive LightingStandards

Abstract:Theclassification and characteristics of China's automotive lighting GB wasintroduced. According to the diagrams of standard system about Sub-Committee onLighting and Light SC21 of Automotive Standardization TechnicalCommittee(TC114),

therecent developments of the Chinese automotive lighting standards are chieflyembodied in following eight aspects: 1. general requirements ; 2. auto electricalparts development; 3.installation requirements; 4.external lighting; 5. interior lighting; 6.external signal devices; 7.retro-reflective devices ; 8. light source.The standards, dafted or amended inthree years, are described.