International Forum on Automotive Lighting(IFAL)

2025 IFAL Invitation

OLED – Vision for an automotive light source



HellaCooperate Center China


Dr.Mathias Dworzak

LightingTechnology - Opto Mechatronic Technology

HELLAKGaA Hueck & Co.


AbstractOrganic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs)are solid-state devices composed of multiple thin layers of organicsemiconducting material. They emit diffuse, homogeneous, glare-free light. Dueto its unique character as area light source, combined with completely newstyling possibilities, OLEDs are considered as future light sources for severalautomotive applications like interior and signalling lamps. Their performance(efficacy, life-time) has increased in the last years and real products seem tobe reachable in the medium term.

Several of the recent innovations were created within the recentlycompleted So-Light project by eleven leading German OLED companies and researchinstitutions, supported by the German Ministry of Education and Research(BMBF). So-Light addressed the complete value chain, from primary OLEDmaterials through to OLED-lighting applications.

This contribution will report on the So-Light results (e.g. neworganic transport and emitter materials, novel technologies, processes andqualification methods). These results were integrated into several designstudies and prototypes of signage, architectural lighting and automotiveapplications. Hella prototypes of an OLED sun visor and an OLED rear lamp showon one hand the large variety of possible OLED applications, and on the otherhand the completely new styling possibilities combined with OLEDs.Nevertheless, challenges like the life-time at high temperatures, UVdegradation and a robust packaging technology have to be overcome before theimplementation of this innovative light source.

Keywords-  OLED, Rear lamps, Interior Lighting, Life-time,Qualification, Styling possibilities