International Forum on Automotive Lighting(IFAL)

2025 IFAL Invitation

Light-weight technoly research on auto lamp.

Lixiangbing     wang tan, zheng hongwei

Technicalcenter, Dong feng Peugeot et citeroen Automobile company, Ltd, Wu han, Hubei,China

Abstract: as the most important measures to realizethe energy-efficiency and consumption-reduction, light weight technology alwaysmeet so many difficulties to realize, especially for the conception of autolamp. This paper focus on four aspects such as structure simplification,material optimization, new technology application on manufacturing process, andput forward the concrete measures such as the optimization on dimension, shape,styling and injection process and application of new technology. It shows thatthe direction in the future in this regard are: structure optimization,  module simplification and materialimprovement, light weight for each components and different functionsintegration. The paper also gives the priority for each for the betterrealization of light weight target.

Key words: light weight technology,  auto lamp, energy efficiency, structureoptimization.