Signaling and Illumination in the context of modernHuman-Centric In-Vehicle LightingChristopher Weirich1,2, Yandan Lin1* and Tran Quoc Khanh21Department of Illuminating Engineering & Light Sources,...
LIGHT ATTRIBUTES AS THE ADDITIONAL FEEDBACK OF VOICE ASSISTANT IN AUTOMOBILES Taesu Kim11Color lab, Department of industrial design, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea*Contact email address:
Topology optimization Applied on Injection Molding Part DesignMinghui Dai, Kai Chen, Christine RoucoulesValeo Lighting Hubei Technical Center Co. Ltd, Wuhan,China, 430014Valeo Lighting Systems, Bob...
Fatigue Prediction in Vibration for Short Glass Fiber Reinforced CompositesLang Dong1*, Haiquan Zhang2, Christine Roucoules3, Kai Chen41, 4Valeo Lighting Hubei Technical Center Co., Ltd, Wuhan, Chi...
Exterior lighting and sustainabilityPaul-Henri MathaVolvo Cars Swedenpaul.henri.matha@volvocars.comNowadays, sustainability is becoming more and more important in our daily life and also automotive...
Intelligent Headlamp High resolution lighting Development&Application Mind Optoelectronics, Baoding, Hebei, China*Contact email address:,, ...
Surface ambient light technique and application Zheng Zhijun, Hua Cheng*, Yang Weiguang, Dong Xiao, Zheng Jian, Ma Yingjie.Institute for SAIC VolkSwagen; Shanghai, P.R.China*Contact email address:...
Optical design of a hundred-pixel ADB moduleXianjie Fan, Jun Han, Jianyi ChenLynway Vision Intelligent Technology (Ningbo) Co., Ltd., Shanghai IFALContact email address: Abstr...
Technical analysis of vehicle lens based on rearview mirrorAuthor:Shicai.LiaoCompany: CYBERNET SYSTEM CHINAAbstract—This article first makes a brief introduction to the development of the car-borne...
On-road projection symbols for future vehicles: A survey study for Chinese roadsXiaodong Sun1,Ali Hassan Shah2,Jinlong Ao2,4, Wenqing Miao2, Yandan Lin1,2*, Wenfang Chen3 1Academy for Engineering &...
Headlamp Driver Solution Study Under The Situation Of IC Chips Shortage Entry Level LDM Design Study Grant Guo1*, Bruce Luo2, Ivan Kong31,2,3ZheJiang Tospo Automotive Lighting Co., Ltd; Dongyang, P...
Characterizing the Photobiological Safety of Infrared Light Sources in Automobiles Xiong Yang, Qian Li, Jinyu Yuan, Jiangen Pan*Everfine Corporation, Hangzhou, P. R. China*Contact email address: ...
Micro Lens Array Advanced ApplicationsMLA semi-dynamic, and wide angle applications Cao Yiyu1ams-OSRAM China Co.Ltd*Contact email address: Abstract—Despite general advan...
Research on Yellowish Image During White Light Blade Led Lit-On and Its Countermeasures LI Xiangbing(Authors: 1. Dongfeng Peugeot and Citroen Automobile Co.Ltd, Wuhan, ...
硅烷改性湿固化聚氨酯热熔胶的研制与应用刘旭,曾瑞浩,王天强,黄强成都硅宝科技股份有限公司,四川 成都 610000电子邮箱:liuxu@cnguibao.com摘要湿固化聚氨酯热熔胶(PUR)已逐渐成为车灯重要的装配材料之一,但往往一种PUR难以同时满足对多种灯壳材料的粘接要求。本文通过以4、4’-二苯基甲烷二异氰酸酯(MDI)、聚醚多元醇、聚酯多元醇、硅烷偶联剂等为主要原料,控制R=n(-...
New Generation of OBF-X for Economical Light ModuleKung Tony1, Chen Yan2, Bao KeFeng2, Zhou Hui2ams-OSRAM Ltd.*Contact email address: AbstractThe use of high optical efficie...
Study on the Integration of Headlamp and LiDAR前照灯与激光雷达融合的研究 Abstract—Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) as a pricision 3D imaging sensor became one of the key devices in autonimous driving. Nomall...
The Best of Two Worlds — Innovations in Light Measurement Technology From legislation and standardization to the practical assessment of light Chr. Schwanengel1, Dr. Udo Krüger2, Bob Liu3*1,2Techno...
车灯增透膜设计和虚拟评测童星,周铮*Contact email address:, 摘要:前照灯的路面光通量是照明质量的重要评价指标。在相同照明设计下,通过增加抗反涂层,可以提高前照灯外灯罩和透镜的透过率,从而提高路照光通量。本文提出一种汽车前照灯宽光谱增透膜的设计及优化方法,并通过仿真评价增加涂层后前照灯...
基于LCoS技术汽车车身照明数字投影灯李标 海拉南京研发中心 ,南京关键词:动态地面投影,外部照明,车身照明,LCoS,光学设计1 摘要 车辆周围和内部的投影已经在市场上供最终用户使用。在室外照明细分市场中,静态和基本动态投影大多用于“欢迎回家”场景。完整的动态投影产品将允许更广泛的用例场景选项。然而在前照灯应用中,这些功能可以与主要照明功能相结合,同时市场上也需要在汽车周围和内部带来动态解...