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2014年 嘉宾介绍

   Dr. Thomas Davenport, Ph.D.

Thomas Davenport is a systems engineer in theOptical Solutions Group at Synopsys. He has illumination engineering experiencein a variety of application areas, for instance, map lamp design, instrumentclusters, exterior automotive prototyping, LED lighting systems: such as: down-lights,flashlights, runway lamps, bicycle headlamps, machine vision, and streetlamps.  Some other applications include:solar collector design, large core plastic fiber optic illuminators, shipboardlighting, brightness-enhancing films, human skin-imaging illuminators, andprojection systems. In addition, he develops application-specific utilities forLightTools illumination design software. Recent projects include streetlighting and solar source design applications. He received M.S. and Ph.D.degrees in optical sciences from the University of Arizona, as well as B.S. andM.S. degrees in physics from John Carroll University.

Dr. phil. nat. Rainer Neumann

Rainer Neumann was bornin Frankfurt/Main in 1952.

Having finishedprimary and secondary school he

studied physics at the university inFrankfurt/Main, where he did his diploma and Ph.D. in Optics.

In 1984 he joined Bosch in Stuttgart , wherehe spent 13 years in Research and development of Automotive Lighting.

In 1997 he became the global director oflighting development at Magneti Marelli in Turin (Italy).

In 2000 he joined Visteon Deutschland GmbH asthe Head of the European Lighting group.

He has published numerous articles, he is theinventor of more than 100 patents and he is working in various regulationcommittees for future lighting technologies over the past twenty years. He isreviewer of the annual SAE Technical Congress in Detroit, scientific member ofthe biannual Vision Congress in Paris, and steering committee member of thebiannual ISAL Symposium

In Darmstadt (Germany) as well as a member ofthe organizing committee of IFAL.  Herepresents Visteon in the CLEPA organization, and the LSS (light sight safety)initiative, and he is chairman of the working group frontlighting in the GTB.In 1.8.2012 Visteon sold its Lightingbusiness to Varroc Group.Dr. Neumann’s current  position in VarrocLighting  is  Vice President Global Technology.

Alexander Guenther

Alexander Guenther studied mechanical engineering with special emphasison technical optics and lighting technology. He did his PhD thesis in advancedautomotive forward lighting. Alexander Guenther is now working for Osram OptoSemiconductors as an application engineer.

Mr. B.V.Shamsundara

Dy. General Manager at Safety and Homologation,Automotive Research Association of India is heading the roadmap team at Safety& Homologation Laboratory. He holds his Masters in Mechanical Engineeringfrom Mysore University and a Diploma in Management from Indira Gandhi OpenUniversity. With his expertise of more than 17 years in the area of Testing& Certification of all types of safety critical components he has executedmany R&D projects and published many national and international technical paperson lighting, ergonomics and safety. He has established testing facilities forPhotometry, Tyre, Crash and Safety glass and also functioning as a MemberSecretariat of Indian WP29-GRE, core member of AISC, TED 11 and Convener ofstandard making body

Mr. Bertrand de l’Eprevier

Mr. Bertrand de l’Eprevier is graduated from Universityof Technology of Belfort-Montbéliard and Cranfield University in mechanical andautomotive engineering. After a first professional experience at Toyota MotorEurope and IAV GmbH, he joined Automotive Lighting France in 2013 as head ofoptical engineering department. His responsibilities cover serial developmentfor European based customers as well as product and development processoptimization for rear lighting

Armin, Austerschulte

2007 Physics diploma, University of Stuttgart, Germany

2007 – 2011, Research on optical fibers for high powermaterial processing LASERs, Institut fuer Strahlwerkzeuge, University ofStuttgart, Germany

Since 2012 R&D Lighting Specialist, AutomotiveLighting Reutlingen GmbH, Germany.

黄健 Max Huang, 高级技术经理



Mr. Zhu Hongpei,

Mr. Zhu Hongpei was responsible for the development of Hella interior lighting China;

Have more than 6 years lighting relevant designexperience;

Graduated from Southeast University in 2007 as a Masterdegree, majored in Mechanical engineering;

Mr. Qin Kai / 秦凯先生


秦凯先生自2012 年5月起担任海拉车灯产品设计研发经理一职,在海拉南京研发中心负责在中国开展的汽车内部,外部车灯的相关汽车照明设计与研发的工作。




高振海,男,满族,1973年2月生,吉林大学车辆工程专业博士,西安交通大学控制科学与工程专业博士后。现任吉林大学汽车工程学院副院长,兼任中国汽车工程学会汽车技术教育分会秘书长、吉林省汽车工程学会汽车电子分会主任和车联网乘员技术创新联盟专家委员会特聘专家。担任《Int. J. of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation》期刊编委,并担任《International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems》、《汽车工程》及《中国机械工程》等多个国内外权威学术期刊审稿专家;担任2012 International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies andIntegration的执行主席、2012 国际汽车工程师大会学生与青年工程师论坛执行主席和中国汽车工程学会首届青年学者论坛执行主席和2012、2013年中国国际关于博览会评审专家。

Biography Michael J. Flannagan

Michael Flannagan is a Research Associate Professor at the University ofMichigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI).  He has been at UMTRI since receiving hisPh.D. from the University of Michigan in 1989. His research experience is in the human factors of driving, with anemphasis on visual perception.  Hisrecent work has been on how driver vision can be improved by innovations intraditional vehicle systems, such as adaptive headlamps, and by theintroduction of new systems, such as camera-based vision systems.

Mr. Gao, Yuan

Mr. Gao, Yuan will graduate from FudanUniversity this summer with a MSc in Photoelectric System and ControlTechnology. His research interests are intelligent lighting technologies andphotovoltaic applications. He joined the Advanced Lighting Technology ResearchLab at Fudan Univ. in 2011. He conducted and participated in the projects from theNational Natural Science Foundation of China and the National Basic ResearchProgram of China (973). He is now seeking for a prospect PhD position inrelevant areas.

Dr.Ling Ming

Chief Engineer

Shanghai Automobile Vehicle Inspection Center

Tel:+86 21 69502811

Education:Phd in optics

Experence:18 years of experience in optic measurement and design

Responsibllity: Responsible in research of standard and instrument


Targosinski Tomasz Ph. D. Eng.

Vehicle Lighting and Road Traffic Safety Expert

An employee of theMotor Transport Institute in Warsaw from 1994.

Involved in researchand development. Areas of scientific interest: widely understood automotivelighting technology, visual perception, road safety, periodical technicalinspection, evaluation, and expertise. 5 years head of Type ApprovalPhotometrical Laboratory. Inventor. Has done pioneer works on the applicationof image sensors for lighting measurements and developed original concepts anddevices for headlight measurement and assessment.  

Polish representativein GRE, GTB, CIE TC4-45. Polish Transport Ministry expert.

Graduate from “Institut d’Optique Graduate School” (Ecole Supérieured’Optique) in France.

Started his career in development of vision systems for semiconductorindustry.

Has been working in lighting technology for automotive since 1994, withseveral developments on halogen, xenon and LED sources.

Was in charge of LED Front Lighting Development at Valeo from 2008 tillbeginning of 2012.

Now Engineering Manager for Innovation

Marcin A. Gorzkowski, P.Eng., M.Eng.

Senior Regulatory Development Engineer at Transport Canada, Motor VehicleSafety Directorate
Chairman of United Nations’ Working Party on Lighting and Light Signaling(GRE)

Graduated in 1981 from the TechnicalUniversity of Warsaw - Poland with a Masters Degree in TransportationEngineering.

From 1982 Marcin Gorzkowski works forTransport Canada’s Road Safety and Motor Vehicle Regulation Directorate.  

In Motor Vehicle Standard and Research Branchhe developed an algorithm for calculation of fleet fuel consumption and hemanaged the construction phase of the "Nexus Project".  “Nexus” was intended to be a road-worthy,single passenger, 1 l/100 km, commuter vehicle.

Later in the Motor Vehicle RegulationEnforcement division he worked in the Compliance Engineering, first in Vehicleand than in Component Testing groups.

Since 1997 Marcin works in rulemaking as anexpert in the area of drivers’ visibility and motor vehicle lighting and lightsignaling.

In 2001 he took a short leave of absence towork for the United Nations’ Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) assecretary of three Working Parties under the World Forum for Harmonization ofVehicle Regulations known as Working Party No. 29 (WP.29).

Since 2002 Marcin Gorzkowski is the Chairman of theUnited Nations’ Working Party on Lighting and Light Signaling (GRE).  He also chairs the International Cooperationsub-Committee of the Motor Vehicle Lighting Committee of the Society ofAutomotive Engineers (SAE) developing North American industry standards andrecommended practices related to the motor vehicle lighting.

Steen McCollin  MBA, BEng, CEng MIMechE

Exterior Lighting Manager for all Jaguar, Range Rover andLand Rover brands.

Have been Exterior Lighting manager for the last threeyears.

Automotive Engineering since 1996 - started out inPower-train engine performance development.

Shammika Wickramasinghe BEng (Hons), IEEE, IED, IMechE

Technical Specialist for Exterior Lighting for allJaguar, Range Rover and Land Rover brands

Have been at Jaguar Land Rover for over 2 Years and waswith Honda for 8 years in development.

Automotive Engineering since 1998, working in attributeareas of Electrical, Interior & Exterior lighting & Telematics.